Author: Nick Argyriou

Human physiology of the human brain transmutes the unidentified energy, that surrounds the planet, into images. Obviously, if our physiology was different, the result would be to receive different images. So, the procedure that emerges between brain and image, let's call it matrix.
Every idea is equivalent to an image that motivates emotions, vibration and addiction, and analogous to urge's intensity it builds thought-forms.
Beauty, ugliness and fear are subconsciously stored in as images and symbols.
In the materialistic way of life, that is organized by the sociopolitical system, the sense of social recognition is often commonly accepted and thus follows the image of succession and prosperity.
Essentially, the assumptions of a prototype - image are establishing, which prototype insures the sufficiency of personal ambitions and the outgrowth of ego.
In other words, the majority of humanity is addicted to the delusion of an image. This is the fundamental base of system's propagation. For instance, a simple way for the delusion to be achieved is the repetitive suggestions of an image to unconscious individuals. Thus, through emotional addiction, the behavior of the others can be controled successfully.
Another more complicated way of depraving is the implantation of an idea into the mind, so that idea correlates to an image with psychodynamic results and conducted behaviors. This is another control lever of the system and, of course with the term system we mean the MATRIX.
Mainly, the matrix is a system of scaling subfields, that consists of images and is reloaded by the human emotional energy and thought.
The thought creates an image, but how realistic is this image?
Do we live into a virtual reality, knowing not what lies out into the energy ocean of the universe?
Why the course of evolution allowed the creation of consciousness?
What does it mean to think or to feel someone?
What is the mind? Is it about something that really exists? And if we assume that it really does exist, in what range does it depend on the physical forms, which is connected to?
Could it exist apart from such forms?
Or is it about functions of a proper physical form and only?
And in any case, is it necessary for those forms that relate to the mind, to have a biological nature (brains) or maybe the mind can be interconnected with an electronic equipment as well?
Does the mind submit to the laws of physics and what are really those laws of physics?
In classical physics  the "out there" is being concerned, likewise in common sense an objective world is being concerned.
This world is evolving in a distinct way and is ordered by precise mathematical equations.
This is a reality according to Maxwell's and Einstein's theories, as well as to the principal Newtonian cosmology.
We accept that physical reality persists apart from us. And what defines the physical world is not affected by the way we interrogate it.
Our physical bodies and brains are also part of this world.

JOHN SEARLE strangely notifies that:
"...There are two separate kinds of essence: the "essence" that indicates the mind and the common matter. In what way and whether each one of them can or cannot affect on the other, is a different question...."

Perchance, might  a mathematical network, that is settled by principal mathematical equations, dominate the virtual reality of matrix?
The general estimation that the brain is nothing more than a digital computer, refers to the theory that "the consciousness of an individual" has to be considered practically a part of software and its specific form, as of a physical human being, has to be treated like the running of this software by the hardware of the brain and its physical body.
As much as we feel that our intentional will affects on the way we act, all of our actions are determined by mathematical equations.

Consciousness is the crucial component of the way we comprehend the mathematical truth with the secret key of the number 1001.
Exactly inside this funnel there are restrained the souls and their various reflections are intersected with the physical plane.
Matrix, for controling  man, submits them in a way of being enclosed between fear and desire.
Fear truly motivates emotions and intoxicates mind. For example, usual fear of death is horrific!!!

Plutarch, the high Priest of Delphi, mentions about the fear of death, that man is a fool to fear of death, because they die every day!!!
Essentially, the earthly funnel is like a vessel of dissolution and rebirth!!!
Desire, on the other hand, is the dependence on an image, meaning an illusion that the brain gives to it a form. The aftereffect of the desire is every time the reload of the confirmation bias, aside the realization of actions and choices.
The dependence on an image generates emotions, behaviors and perspectives.
A thought, a simple idea becomes an image (thought-form) that is capable of changing the course of man.
The implantation of an idea into the human brain and the choice of man to accomplish it, transforms their life.
Under this assumption, personality begins to compose a precise behavior.
Thus, through fear and desire the person is being manipulated, while at the same time it stands between foolishness and delusion...

Man, besides the physical body and its etheric identical, owns also an astral body of astral substance. When this body is polarized with the speed of electricity flow, as it happens during  sleep time, it can travel to the astral world. Here, lies the world of attraction or repulsion. Because its fundamental, the sphere of emotions and desires, contains the sperm that stimulates or activates us.
If the astral body is awaken, it is in a complete action, while when it is frightened or full of desires, it is all eagerness.
In many times, feelings are much more powerful than logical thinking...
It is possible for the astral body to be separated from the physical body and to be drifted around the multiform astral matrix.
Multiform matrix of the astral plane has been created by etheric entities, with the intention of absorbing from us energy.
As soon as these entities absorb the amount of energy that they desire, they move away.
These "energy vampires", for a period of time, direct us to matrix through our astral body, taking advantage of our weaknesses and desires.

Matrix is everywhere, wherever you look, outside from the window or when you switch on the television...
It is the world that they covered your eyes for not seeing the truth...
What truth?
That we are slaves...
The whole matrix, O man, is a prison for YOUR SPIRIT...

Matrix is a system, this system is our enemy, look around you, you see doctors, businessmen, lawyers, technicians and, every kind of imprisoned human minds, that we are trying to save...
Till we succed in this, they compose the heart of this system (matrix) and, that makes them our enemies...
Most of them are not ready to be awakened and they are attached to the system and they will fight for it to protect it...
This means that anyone who has not been awakened is actually an agent of matrix.
Matrix is a virtual reality, that has been created to greet souls in order to obtain equivalent experiences so they can be evolved.
Unfortunately, this system after a period of time, has been exploited by other beings who invaded into the system, with the intention to utilize souls inside the network of matrix as energy source.
Matrix cyberspace is a hologrammic program of virtual reality, which preserves inside and outside of its cyberspace, other protection programs, that have the ability to detect every destruction threat of the system-matrix and to eliminate it.

In the renowned film movie MATRIX, Morpheus trains NEO in order to fight against the protection programs of matrix, but also to awaken everyone into the Matrix who is not awaken and is attached to it.
Morpheus (meaning the one who gives form, shape and figure) is known as one of the thousand sons of HYPNOS and, has the exclusive responsibility for the dreams of kings and heros.
Morpheus is depicted having wings, that were so much strong and vigorous, so they could carry him to the edges of the world.
So, Morpheus, in the movie Matrix, offers form and figure during the sleep, to the hero of the plot, NEO.
Morpheus, who is the Mental icon during sleep, guides NEO into the Matrix, in order to destruct it...
Meaning that NEO (in greek spelling NIO or ION) is the chosen MENTAL VIRUS inside the cyberspace of Matrix, with the purpose to demolish/infect the system and the intention of awakening.
Protection programs of the system battle with chosen NEO and the rest of the viruses, that operate against the Hologrammic system of Matrix.


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